Ways to Respond in a Conversation
If your family dinners are anything like mine, then you are probably used to individuals speaking over one another. You must fight to have your voice heard and there is no space to reflect before responding or else your voice will be lost.
Practicing Self- Gratitude
It is so easy to look back at the end of a day and be critical over the way you looked, the things you didn’t get accomplished, and things you wish you had done better.
How to Strengthen Your Ego
Freud’s personality theory saw the psyche in three parts; the id, ego and superego, which develop during different stages of the life cycle. According to Freud, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind.
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Have you ever felt manipulated by someone repeatedly? Or maybe, you have a hard time saying “no” to someone in your life because of a fear of rejection and/or abandonment. If this sounds like you, you may struggle with setting healthy boundaries in your life.
Uncover the Mole in your Addicted Mind
In espionage jargon, a mole (also called a “penetration agent”, “deep cover agent”, or “sleeper agent”) is a spy who is recruited to penetrate and sabotage an organization from the inside.
Tips for Managing Holiday Stress and Anxiety
Do the holidays stress you out? Do you feel like you have too many obligations? Are you anxious and overwhelmed this time of year? You are not alone.
A Quick Guide to How Group Therapy May Be Helpful
Group therapy may be a great adjunctive resource if you would like more support outside of individual therapy or seeking a like-minded community.
How to Help Your Child With Night-Time Worry
For over a decade, I have been helping children overcome worry, anxiety and fears. When my son developed his own fear of “a green guy in his room at night” I knew I had to arm him with the arsenal I had created over the years.
The Gratitude Hot Seat
A Thanksgiving Exercise to do with Family and Friends. We all take things for granted. It’s easy for us to forget about the things in our life that we are lucky to have.
Identifying Your Signature Strength
One of the ways I help clients gain confidence and self esteem while decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression is by identifying, tapping into and expressing gratitude for the best parts of themselves.
Talking Finances With Your Partner
Talking about money seems to be a topic so often avoided in our intimate relationships. Culturally we have often been taught more often than not that it is taboo to ask about money.
Children's Therapy
As a parent, seeing your child struggle with mental health challenges can be incredibly difficult. Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, or other issues, it can be hard to know how to help.
How the Fight or Flight Response Occurs When Couples Fight
The fight or flight response is a physiological response that occurs when danger is present. It was essential to our survival in the Paleolithic period.
Addicted to the Monkey Mind by author J.F. Benoist
Recently I was fortunate enough to receive a complimentary copy of Addicted to the Monkey Mindby J.F. Benoist. It was sent to our office, so I decided to start reading it since someone was kind enough to take the time to send me a copy.
Worden’s Four Tasks of Grief
Death is apart of life. It is also one of the most painful, agonizing and difficult experiences that a person can go through. Most of us are familiar with the five stages of grief, which are…
The Wise Mind
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy uses a concept called “The Wise Mind.” The Wise Mind is where your emotions and your intellect come together to create a balanced perspective.
Treating Thoughts as Guesses
It has been estimated that humans have anywhere from 30,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day and that up to 80% of these thoughts can be negative. It should be no wonder why so many members of the population struggle with anxiety and depression
Smartphone Addiction- Recognizing the Signs and What You Can Do About It
Did you know that over 90% of Americans own a smartphone? While there is no clinical diagnosis for cellphone addiction (yet), cellphone addiction is a very real thing, and it could be negatively impacting your life in more ways than you know.
Narrative Therapy
Narrative therapy is a medium for self-reflection and growth through stories or narratives (hence the name). The general idea is to change your perspective on your life by the way you tell your story.