Children’s Counseling
Finding the right counseling services for children can be a daunting task for parents and caregivers. It's important to find a counselor who is trained to work with children and understands their unique needs and development.
Teen Therapy
As a teenager, it's normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or confused at times. That's why seeking support from a professional can be a great way to deal with these feelings and gain a better understanding of yourself and your life.
Children's Psychology
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. However, children can face many emotional and behavioral challenges as they grow up. This is where child psychology comes in.
The Power of Validation
In therapy sessions, I have often heard many teenagers say something along these lines—“My parents don’t get it. They told me to just suck it up and get over it”.
Helping Your Teen with Anxiety
Adolescence is always a confusing time – add in the challenge of navigating new experiences, the modern pressures of social media, and heightened competition for colleges, and it’s no wonder so many teens feel nervous, overwhelmed and anxious.
How to Help Your Child With Night-Time Worry
For over a decade, I have been helping children overcome worry, anxiety and fears. When my son developed his own fear of “a green guy in his room at night” I knew I had to arm him with the arsenal I had created over the years.
Children's Therapy
As a parent, seeing your child struggle with mental health challenges can be incredibly difficult. Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, or other issues, it can be hard to know how to help.
Play Therapy—How It Works & What Parents Should Understand
I hear from many parents who want their young children to come into therapy. As a therapist, I think it is so important for children to have a place where they feel safe and can express thoughts and feelings when they want to…
Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem
Anyone who is successful in some aspect of their lives will tell you how self- esteem and confidence played an important role in their success. Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves, and is something that we develop early on and carry throughout our lives.
Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain
Marijuana is arguably one of the least harmful mind-altering substances. The debate over the severity of harmfulness is controversial.
Parenting Adolescents- Extending the Olive Branch
Being a parent has to be one of the toughest jobs in the world. No matter how many books you read or how much you do to prepare for having a child and being a parent, nothing can quite prepare you enough for the real deal.