Stop Being Mean to Yourself!
Almost everyone has that little nagging critic that sits in the back of their head telling them all the ways they did something wrong. This critic judges you, nags you, belittles you and constantly tells you why you are not good enough.
Picking a Career (Part 3)
Once you have fully utilized all the tools on the Holland Career Test site (, and worked through your 16personalities results (…
I Want Therapy, How Do I start?
Therapy is designed to support you in the expedition of radically accepting yourself, including that funny little wart on the bottom of your toe. Many people have hesitations to starting therapy.
Picking a Career (Part 2)
Now that you have taken the 16personalities exam (based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and the Holland Code Career Test (based on psychologist John Holland’s RAISEC model of career choice), its time to start organizing this data to gain insight into what type of employment you would find fulfilling.
What is Your Love Language?
Do you know what your love language is? Dr. Gary Chapman coined the term “Love Language” to describe five universal ways in which we express and receive love.
Becoming More Mindful- Where Do I Begin?
What does it mean to be mindful? This is a question I come back to a lot on my own, and also one that my clients ask me often. There are so many ways to be mindful and to meditate, and there is not a one size fits all for any person.
Breakups- Grieving Someone Who Is Still Alive
I think we can all agree that breakups can be some of the most painful experiences we go through in adulthood. Whether a breakup comes as a surprise, has been long overdue, or ends mutually, feelings are often hurt, tangled, and complicated.
Understanding Your Window of Tolerance
The concept of the “Window of Tolerance” was first introduced by Daniel Siegel, a neuropsychiatrist and author, to describe a person's ability to regulate their emotions. It refers to the range of emotions and stress levels that an individual can tolerate without becoming overwhelmed.
Picking a Career
Picking your career path can be an overwhelming. Many people have no idea what they want to do or how to start figuring it out. Fortunately, there are free assessments online that can help you organize your thoughts.
Tips to Help Improve Self-Confidence
When we aren’t feeling confident inside, it might seem like nothing is going right on the outside--low self-confidence can send individuals into downward spirals.
Life is not exciting anymore, but I am not depressed
Sometimes, especially as we get older, life starts to feel less exciting. We go to work or school, we come home, we take care of our responsibilities, we go to bed, and then we do the whole thing over again.
Are Video Games Unhealthy?
Just like the most loaded questions with complex answers, the simple answer to this question is “yes and no” or “it depends.” Let’s start with why video games are stigmatized and how they can be unhealthy and then we will circle back around to the benefits of gaming.
Self-Care and Burnout
Work is stressful, and it can get the better of us sometimes. Having a good self-care routine can prevent feeling burnt out. Sings of feeling burnt out are:
Why is Self-Care So Important?
Have you ever had one of those days where you were working on overdrive, bouncing from one task to the next, trying to complete a seemingly never-ending to do list before eventually crashing into bed?
How to Deal with Grief and Loss
We experience grief when we lose a valued entity in our life. This can be a human or an animal; or it can even be the end of a relationship, such as a breakup. There are five stages to grief.
3 Reasons Why Life is Better Sober
The following list is for anyone who overindulges in substance use. These are few of the reasons why I decided to get sober and come from my own personal experience.
How a Better Diet Can Support Your Mental Health
I have always been a foodie. When I think back on positive memories with those I love, food is often involved.
Social Isolation can be deadlier than Smoking or Obesity
When I was doing my training as a marriage and family therapist in Graduate School I worked at a community mental health center called The Relational Center. I will never forget the day that my supervisor told me that studies have shown that social isolation can be deadlier than smoking cigarettes.
First Time Moms and Dads- How to Stay Connected w/ a New Baby
It is no doubt that becoming a first time mom or dad is HARD WORK! There are so many changes occurring with your routine, your sleeping, your body and often your relationship with your partner.
Play Therapy—How It Works & What Parents Should Understand
I hear from many parents who want their young children to come into therapy. As a therapist, I think it is so important for children to have a place where they feel safe and can express thoughts and feelings when they want to…