When Sadness turns to Depression

woman blurred looking sad

Depression manifests differently in each individual. One emotion that is often associated with depression is sadness. Being sad does not mean one is depressed. Sadness is an emotion that one feels and is able to shake off in a reasonable amount of time based on the circumstance. Sadness turns into depression when it is persistent and prevents a person from enjoying every day pleasures.
Depression is the act of turning misery inward. That means thinking of oneself in a critical and judgmental manner. Depression affects self-esteem and self-worth. Signs of depression also include feelings of hopelessness and loss of interest in activities that one may have enjoyed before. Isolation, irritation and lack of energy are major signs that sadness may have evolved into depression. Depression tricks the mind into believing that these feelings are facts and that it will never get better. It is relentless in attacking your self-worth and that little critical voice we all have suddenly gained a megaphone.
Depression thrives off of isolation so the best way to combat depression is by asking for help.



